Mini Gastric Bypass MGB OAGB
is a type of weight loss surgery that combines restrictive and malabsorptive procedures to help patients lose weight.
Popular in Asian Sub Continent & India.
Benefits of Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB - OAGB)
Rapid & Sustainable long term weight loss – Excess body weight loss (EBW) – 80 %
Safe, effective, reversible & revisable weight loss / bariatric procedure.
Highly Effective in Severe Diabetes , Super Obesity (BMI > 50) , Metabolic Syndrome, Sweet Eaters
It involves only one anastomosis (joint or connection).
Short Hospital stay, Simple & Successful.
The Mini Gastric Bypass is performed laparoscopically.
Very small Button hole Incisions of 0.5 to 1.2 cm on abdomen.
- Dividing approximately a twenty five percent section of stomach from the rest of the stomach.
- This gastric pouch is then joined to the small intestine above the new anastomosis. Anastomosis simply means a new surgical connection.
This results in the majority of the stomach and approximately one third of the small intestine being ‘bypassed’ – meaning it is not involved in the digestion or absorption of the food you eat.
Average duration is 60-120 minutes.
It makes the stomach smaller and reroutes the intestines.
Small stomach size will make you feel full sooner while eating.
Intestines that absorb nutrients are re-routed / shortened, causing the body to absorb fewer calories and minerals.
Restriction: New small stomach pouch limits food intake.
Malabsorption: Bypassing a portion of MGB results in fewer calories being absorbed, thus resulting in fast & sustained weight loss.
Hormonal: Ghrelin, named the “Hunger Hormone” is responsible for hunger and appetite. Ghrelin level is decreased after bypass and results in reduced hunger and appetite.
High resolution of Diabetes, high blood pressure – Hypertension , high cholesterol / lipid profile , obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) / Snoring.
No risk of Band or device-related side effects or complications.
Durable weight loss / bariatric procedure in the long run as it dilates less owing to a low pressure inside the pouch because of the bigger outlet as compared to the old classical bariatric /weight loss surgery techniques.
Relatively bigger pouch and outlet, which gives you some luxury for foodies / Sweet eaters / Dessert Lovers to eat a moderate volume of diet & still lose significant weight.